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Showing posts from February, 2011

ICC Cricket WorldCup 2011 Theme for Google Chrome

If you are using Google Chrome and you love cricket then this post is for you, I have created a Google Chrome them based on ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 which includes matches schedule also. Following is the screen shot of theme. You can install this theme from following link, please rate theme if you like it. ICC Cricket World Cup 2011 Theme for Google Chrome

Java Annotations

A few days ago in our project we needed that the field which we are using should not be displayed to the user but relevant title should be displayed. This title will never change as this property is one of the important properties of that class. There I thought that Java Annotations might be useful for me in this case, now for those who don't know about annotations I will explain a little about them. Java Annotations is the feature provided by Java with the help of which we can add data to our class, method or fields. Now there are three different ways of annotations that we can use. Types Source  - These types of annotations are not present in class file, they are only present in the source file and they are discarded by the compiler. Class     - These types of annotations are present in class file and source file, they are not loaded by JVM. Runtime - These types of annotations are present in class file and source file and they are also loaded by...