Recently when I was going through the RESTEasy documentation to find out the proper way to integrate it with Spring. There are several ways to do it. This is the first post in this series which will cover the ways to integrate RESTEasy with Spring. We will start with the one which is mentioned in the RESTEasy documentation. We will be using Maven for dependency management in our project. First of all, add the RESTEasy dependency in your project, org.jboss.resteasy resteasy-spring whatever version you are using Above code will add resteasy dependencies in your project. Next step is to define RESTEasy configuration in your web.xml.
Spring framework is one of the most widely used framework in Enterprise application development. It has so many features such as Dependency injection, Data access integration, MVC, AOP which takes care of most of the boilerplate part of project, and developers can then focus on business logic only. One of the important feature in Spring is AOP. It is used by almost every enterprise application which is being developed using Spring. AOP So what is AOP? Definition of AOP - Aspect oriented programming is a programming paradigm which aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross cutting concerns. Well, my understanding of AOP is - AOP allows us to introduce/join new modules in your project at pre-specified dynamic locations without having to code for it. Traditional examples of AOP is Transaction management, logging etc. You can read more about AOP at here . This article is for those who know AOP, have used AOP in their projects but do not know how Spring or o...